
Nikkie Taylor – Chosen

Singer, Songwriter, performing artist and worship leader. As a worship leader, she ushers in the presence of God. As a singer, she captivates audiences with her keen voice. As a songwriter, she can direct life experiences and emotions back to the creator- the one who gives hope, strength, and guidance. With over ten years of international touring and performances, Nikkie is making her mark in the United States in the gospel industry with her highly anticipated debut single and music video “Higher Level” that was released last year in September in partnership with Inez School of Dance and M Lounge located in Orlando, FL.

Her new single, “CHOSEN” is a reminder that there is only 1 you and the world would not be the same without YOU in it! There is a light- a powerful energy- inside of each and every one of us.

“Don’t allow the guilt of your past, self-doubt or fear prevent you from sharing your beautiful light with the world and becoming who God has predestined you to be.  You are #CHOSEN & God has a purpose for your life….believe that!” – Nikkie Taylor



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