
Music: End In Praise – Nelly K

Nelly K the sensational world renowned gospel recording artist returns with a brand new kingdom sound titled END IN PRAISE.


The song “End In Praise” make known to us that no matter the situation there is hope in God and God will give laughter at the end if hold on to him


For there is hope of a tree if it be cut down – yet through the scent of water it will bud (Job 14: 7-9)


Watch Lyrics Video Below;




Nelly Omabhun Theodora  Kusimo popularly called Nelly K is multi-talented Nigerian based gospel artist widely known for her dedication to advancing the kingdom of God on earth mainly through her music ministry and humanitarian service.


Nelly wears many hats such as gospel artist, music evangelist, song writer, public health practitioner, mother, wife and a brilliant social advocate.


She is the founder/ visioneer of the Society Empowerment for Transformation Initiative (SETI) a non- governmental organisation. Through the humanitarian work of SETI, Nelly is able to champion the cause of children and women worldwide.


Nelly hails from Edo State but is married to Pastor Kusimo, an Engineer from Ogun State in Nigeria. This highlights her belief in kingdom culture and strict adherence to the purpose and plan of God.


Nelly K is happily married and blessed with three amazing children – David, Elizabeth and Isaac Kusimo.


Written by Nelly K.
Produced by Tag.
Co-produced by Nudi


Follow Nelly K on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and subscribe to her YouTube channel for new music and ministry updates.


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