Caroline Ojochide Oriss is a distinguished figure known for her multifaceted roles in life. As the youngest of seven siblings, she brings a unique perspective to her endeavors. With a background in pharmacy, she has not only contributed to healthcare but has also found a significant calling as a prophetic intercessor. Her musical talents have graced the stage for over two decades as a minstrel.
This music is dedicated to first the Almighty God and His Holy Spirit for loving me and granting me the privilege of knowing Him.
Producer: Anointed
Under the skillful guidance of producer Anointed, this project has come to fruition with remarkable creativity and professionalism.
Your commitment to delivering a top-notch musical production has not gone unnoticed. The collaborative efforts of Divine Eagle’s Hills Media Production and producer Anointed have resulted in a final product that exceeds expectations and truly resonates with listeners.
Thank you for your unwavering commitment to excellence and for playing an integral role in bringing this musical vision to life.
Also, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to God Almighty for His unwavering love towards me, thank You Father for the most important gift of my life – The Holy Spirit. I live my life for you and I pray You empower me daily to please You.
A special thank you to my fans and listeners – your unwavering enthusiasm and anticipation have kept me motivated throughout this process. I am deeply humbled by the love you’ve shown me and my music.
This song is a piece of my heart, and I am thrilled to share it with the world. I hope it resonates with you as much as it does with me.
Once again, thank you for being a part of this exciting journey. Here’s to the music and the beautiful connections it creates with God.